Thursday, March 26, 2009

Etching week

I haven't written in my blog for ages, but I had to today because I feel so inspired. I've taken a week's holiday from work and am doing an etching course. I'd only ever done collagraph printing and engraving, many years ago, and this is my first time doing 'proper' etching using acid and wax. I've learned so much and have met some wonderful people. Each day I come back slightly grubbier and a little more fatigued - but in a good way. I also have all kinds of new words buzzing around in my mind - lovely sounding words: sugarlift, aquatint, soft ground, drypoint. Tomorrow is Friday and the last day of the course, which I'll be sad about. But it definitely won't be the end of my etching, it's just the start. I have so much to learn and so many ideas and I can't wait. I'll post some images once I've brought them home.


Oli Jenkins said...

Hi Marina.

My dad (Lawrence) mentioned that you had a blog so I thought I'd check it out. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the etching; it's such great fun. I spent a year working in the studio editioning and etching, I love working on the soft grounds the most. So versatile :o)

All the best,


Marina said...

oh thanks oli - nice to hear from you!
had a wonderful time - your dad is great.
i'm so happy to have discovered etching, will definitely be doing more...